17 Content Marketing Tips for Any Size Budget


Producing content when you have a big budget is easy. Producing the right content  for your audience on any budget is the tough part.
I realize small businesses have resource constraints and their own special set of challenges. But there are plenty of examples of small-business content marketing successes.
My first job as head of marketing for a small company included a large objective of driving awareness as well as leads for sales. And my budget was a whopping zero. Nothing. Nada.
So how do you drive marketing results without a budget? The answer for me was to publish customer stories. I also repurposed a lot of existing content. I interviewed folks around the company in sales and customer support.
That is what I call “growth hacker content marketing.”
Guerilla content marketing is content created with almost no budget, simply by repurposing things your organization already produces.

Favorite content marketing hacks

Here are my top content marketing hacks to help content marketers at any size business with any size budget.
  1. Turn your email outbox into blog posts. Look for emails where you are answering popular questions from customers or salespeople. Here’s my latest example on content marketing ROI.
  1. Turn all your PowerPoint presentations into SlideShare posts. Embed the SlideShare into a blog post summary.
  1. Turn your executives’ SlideShare posts and speaker notes into articles.
  1. Turn every video your company has ever made into blog posts and embed the videos. Video Marketer Wistia does a great job of taking its own medicine with its video library. Check out this example of How to Shoot Video With Your iPhone.
wistia-video-example-image 1
  1. Turn your gated campaign assets into summary blog posts. When I started the SAP Business Innovation site, I had no content budget. So I wrote white-paper summaries from content sitting in a campaign library. Here’s one example.
  1. Answer the simplest questions about your topic.
  1. Create or cover a list of the top people to follow on your topic.
  1. Create a list of your favorite sources of content from others.
  1. Write about your competition or even include negative brand keywords. It’s a bold move, but if done consistently, you can rank for your competitor and negative keywords. Former SAP Editor Bob Evans used this tactic frequently.
  1. People love lists and facts and stats. Create a list of facts to support your business’ overarching theme.


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